Nuclear Academics Meeting Birmingham 2013

2013 Meeting
University of Birmingham
18th – 19th September 2013

Other photos from the website are available at here.

Photograph of delegates at the 2013 Nuclear Academics Meeting in Birmingham

The Agenda for the 2013 meeting is available here.

Meeting Presentations

Educational Topics

  1. NNUF – Results of the Consultation Process
  2. Courses/Skills for next generation SMEs – How do we create the pipeline for industry and national laboratories?
  3. Sustainable Academic Expertise
  4. Postgraduate Education
  5. Nuclear Information Security 

Research Area Updates

  1. Environmental and Geological Disposal
  2. Fuel & Spent Fuel including Recycling
  3. Structural Materials 
  4. Wasteforms and Decommissioning
  5. New build (PWR and BWR)
  6. Future Nuclear (GEN IV, SMR) and Fusion